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Loon Family
Photos: 2
Added: 5966 days ago
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Tags: Loon Family
Description: Loon Family The symbolism of this painting shows us five fish raining down from above. A parent and two sibling loons peer intently into the water, suggesting that they are "seeking fish". This "dual vibration" is symbolized in the tails of each fish. A message found in this painting is that even though gifts of abundance are showered from above they require discovering below. The large circle of blue at the top of the artwork is symbolic of the sphere (or plane) of "Spirit". This sky blue color also appears 3 times in all 3 loons. We can see that the loons are female as each display a sky blue womb or "spirit portal". The head and throat centres of each loon are also sky blue symbolizing the "will to (pro)create". One of the sister siblings will bear children yet the other will not (once more displaying this vibration of duality). The spiral on the loon sibling to the right shows us that her life force is not regenerated reproductively. As messengers the three loons tell us that all that we yearn for is already here, yet by seeking, discovering and sharing our adventures the great creative spirit may "manifest" magic that is coloured by (and colours) our individual uniqueness. Though we may be unique we are not alone, we move through life together, we are one inter-related family, whether fish (symbolizing the material or "what matters"), foul (being the Souls or "us") and the Circle of One (symbolizing the Great Spirit). As interpreted by Ritchie Sinclair a.k.a Stardreamer
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Added: 5982 days ago
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