


The point is these paintings weren't being sold 30 years ago not even twenty years ago. The galleries you mention weren't selling them then either. Most of these galleries weren't even around and most started selling these paintings in the last few years.  I have watched them appear on their websites. There is no such thing as combined knowledge in a situation like this. Knowledge and the people who have it have depth and experience or they don't.  I suspect for many of the galleries mentioned the first time they had experience selling paintings claimed to be Morrisseaus were when they got offered these pieces in the past few years and months in some cases.


NORVAL MORRISSEAU claimed the paintings you mostly show as his WERE NOT HIS. End of story. You all can pat each other on the back and keep telling each other it isn't true but every real expert on Morrisseau says your wrong. Wrong. Not only wrong but blind. It is easy to see the difference. The deception won't work, you'd have to be a  spirit drinker to believe otherwise.


Let's go over the points again ( remember you can prove what is, not what isn't. Hence the problem with the God theory, and some people believe it and some don't and even with a cash reward no one can prove or disprove God.  These paintings differ in that much. I will show what is.)


1) No photograph was ever taken of Norval painting one of these very questionable paintings.


2) No book, catalogue or record of any kind of one of these painting from the purported period of 1970s.


3) No public collection having one of these works from that time period and donated around that period (or even close (any donations of these works are showing up in the last few years.)


4) No support from the artist in recognizing any of the paintings in this style (not his style)


5) Nobody with expertise standing behind these pieces.


6) No gallery officially representing the artist standing behind these paintings.


7) No primary market sales of these works anywhere! They all are purported to be from other collectors and collections.


 No apprentices and others who painted with him at the time these paintings are dated saw him do these paintings. More importantly, they don't believe they are in his hand.


9) No painting proven to be by Norval Morrisseau has the dry brush acrylic signature with two digit date on the back of the canvas. He was known to write in pencil and sometimes ballpoint. These crappers all seem to have that.  I can't speak for the ones being done now though.


10) No work from this group put on Spirit Walker's blog has even been given the full provenance back to the artist. They all, thousands of them, go back to a few names! How does that work? 


11) No artist would do works that look so different from his other works over a huge space of time and never sell them through some gallery he showed with.


12) No Jack Pollack label has ever been found on any of these purported Morrisseau paintings. Yet all those '70s painting were supposed to have been done during the strongest period in the Morrisseau - Pollack connection. Which then over lapped with the period Norval spent with a couple of apprentices.


13) Norval Morrisseau forms the Norval Morrisseau Heritage Society because he sees these purported Morrisseau paintings on the web, ebay etc., and calls them abominations. Seeing them in a catalogue by a supposedly knowledgable dealer Norval says "toilet, toilet, toilet." to anyone who will listen, as he points to the paintings he despises and disavows.


14) Colour expert claims the same brain could not have done Morrisseau's known paintings and these. The palette is so different, it works through a whole different way.


15) No real evidence, what-so-ever, to the contrary, a lot of threats and insults at those who speak the truth. You want to win someone over, prove something, anything with some firm evidence.


16) No! Spirit Walker, you kept claiming the final proof! Where is it? Another Youtube rocky mountain video won't do it. Yet another questioning of other people's honour won't do it! You, a fanatic fan at best, telling the experts that your opinion is right, won't do it.  You're not an expert, thinking these are by Norval's hand proves that.


17) Most of all your supporting another misguided fanatic like Joe Otavnik, won't do it. Two wrong (fanatics) don't make a right!


1 No painting, not one, from this group was included in the National Gallery of Canada's massive retrospective in 2006. This huge exhibition covered all periods and styles from the artist's entire life... not one in that entire show that looked like the questionable paintings.Yet they are massive in numbers out there


19) People threatened with lawsuits if they continue to tell the truth. Who on the side of right needs to do that? Gagging people through bullying, legal or otherwise, is not winning an argument (or anything else.) Bullies can temporarily silence people, but in the end truth will find a champion who won't be bullied. If bullying could win Hitler and others like him would be believed in and they would have won. Bullying should not be tolerated in the school yard or in the rest of the world... zero tolerance.


20) No collector who can prove they purchased in the 1970s has ever shown one of these paintings as one they bought in the 1970s.


21) Most of the galleries you mention backing these paintings have, if they're lucky, 2 years experience with so-called Morrisseau painting, that adds up to more like 60 years all together (using your system. The people you don't want to believe average 30 years each.


22) NO! Did I happen to mention the artist himself disqualified them. How can you honour a man you don't believe. How can you



It is a crime what your doing, in more ways then one. Shame on you, to even use Norval's name is an insult to him and everything he stood for.


I gave up on you long ago, and obviously so did everyone else with any sense. May you find your way even now.


Blessed be,

Grete Ring


P.S. You know who is reading your blog... the same people who tell you what to say on it and then pat you on the back for lying.


Posted by Grete Ring - Nov 1 2008


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